“One of the Most Profound Forms of Healing I’ve Ever Experienced!”


I came to Patrick to work on the part of me that believes that I have to work harder and produce more in order for people to value me and love me.


This method is so fricking profound. In a very simple, elegant way, it gets to the core of the wound. It’s like I’m looking at the world through new eyes, like the world’s a safer place.


Even if you’ve done a lot of work already, this work really gets to the root cause. I highly encourage you to do it. It’s amazing!

Sage Lavine


“I Closed 50% at my Last Event, Thanks to This Transformation!”


At the event, my offer wasn’t different — it was all about my energy being more confident, and I’ll chalk that up to working with Patrick.
What’s affecting you in business is not business strategy, but the way that you’re showing up energetically...

This is a tremendous deep opportunity for you to do core level work, and clear out something very effectively.

Pamela Bruner


“I Unblocked Deep Money Issues... And Landed Our First $500,000 Client”


After working with Patrick for a few months, I was really able to unblock deep underlying money issues.


When I started working with Patrick our average
client was a five thousand dollar client, now we just landed our first $500,000 client three years later.

My business partner and I are now doing work that is deeply meaningful to us, we're paying ourselves two to three times what we were before, and I'm only working about 15 hours a week which is the amount that i want.


So i highly recommend working with Patrick around money issues, it's been so helpful to me in my life and my business.

Damian Sol


“So Grateful - Made More Money In The Last 2 Months Than I Have All Year”


On the business side, I've made more money in the last two months than I have all year. I’m embracing the marketing, and I just held a retreat this Sunday with 14 women. I’m seeing this can be easy without the old patterns running, and my receiving has expanded so much.


I feel incredibly happy in an inside-out kind of way, and I am just beyond words for what you helped me heal. I feel so free of any of my old loops that i would run. Now I experience so much wholeness, love and trust and safety, instead of the fear and resistance.


I just feel like what I am being called to do right now is to just shine that light from the inside out
from a really whole place.


Gabriela Masala


“Healed My Core Wound of Not Feeling Safe... Now I Feel Confident”


I’ve had a core wound of not feeling safe all of my life. Patrick has done miracles with it!


I now feel safe, confident, and I feel strong to go out there and face the world from this place of inner safety and strength and confidence. Thank you, Patrick!

Brandy Faith Weld

“The Inner Freedom Session Was Amazing”


I came with a fear--related to love, relationships and vulnerability--that’s been quite prevalent in my life of late.


After 30 minutes of work, which was very calm, safe, and  peaceful... I have a greater sense of inner freedom, a greater sense of love and courage. That was an amazing experience and in such an amazingly short time.


Steve Neale

“My Best Year Ever In My Business!


Last year was my business’ best year ever, in terms of the amount that we made.


And within that last year, one of the months was one of the biggest months I've ever had as a chiropractor all 17 years.


Patrick’s helped me release fear and get into action. I feel like this is the pivotal time where there’s a shift towards really having the practice of my dreams


Working with Patrick's awesome, he's a master coach, and I feel incredibly comfortable and excited to continue to work with him.

Dr. Matt Green


“I Overcame My Fear of Public Speaking”


Working with Patrick changed everything for me… within a year I gave my first TEDx talk (with English being my second language)... Then 4 days later, I did a talk in front of 1,000 people that brought me $10,000.

And a couple months later, I delivered my first talk in an international surrogacy conference. All in less than a year. Thank you Patrick!


Simona Spark


“From Feeling Unsafe In The World... To Calm, Grounded and Centered”


My whole life I’d been experiencing a feeling of being unsafe in the world. So it was unbelievable when, in very first session, we just went right there to the earliest memory I had of being born during the civil war in Sri Lanka. That session shifted everything for me.

Today I feel calm and grounded and centered in a way that I really haven't experienced in a very long time if ever.


I'm so grateful for Patrick and so grateful that we really
got to the root of it.

I highly recommend him, especially for those things that are so deep that you just may have no other way of
accessing it without this kind of support.



“Just Amazing How Smooth and Easy This Is... Mindblowing”


I’ve been working on an issue that’s been present for a very long time…It’s amazing that, in a very short, extremely short period of time, I’ve been able to shift to just feeling great in my own skin and being able to protect and  push forward my interests in a sort of loving, caring, confident way.


Just amazing how smooth and easy this is. I mean, it really is mind-blowing! Really very impressed and very, very happy.


Steven Posner


“Patrick's Healing Workshop Was Amazing... I Felt A Massive Shift”


Patrick’s healing workshop was one of the most amazing experiences that I’ve had here in Mindvalley. Then getting into the Healing Group was just a transformational experience, as I was saying the words out loud, tears were streaming down my face. I never felt so supported in my entire life.


It just felt like a massive shift was taking place. It was just absolutely phenomenal, I am so grateful. Thank you Patrick!

Sorana Pascariu


“I Got My First Client!”


My experience in working with Patrick really has been phenomenal. I found myself able to take action and put myself out there!


I got my very first client and the experience of working with the client was nothing short of amazing. I felt confident and in my skill set, and it felt like this is what i was supposed to be doing.


if you are willing to really go there, the techniques Patrick uses will help you de-energize your blocks -- so you can spread your wings and put yourself out there for whatever you desire.

Peggy Alphonse